High-quality program (HQP) on Software Engineering was built the demand of the labor market; linked theory with practice; combined professional and specialized knowledge with practicing practical skills; focused on soft skills and corporate internship.
Software Engineering program is designed to train students to become Software Engineers who master the software development process in a professional manner to create high-quality software products that meet the professional needs in society's production. Students are equipped with in-depth knowledge of the software industry, including software development process, skills to apply software tools to support the development of other software; necessary knowledge related to the implemented phases in a software project such as requirements collection, analysis, design, coding, testing, operation, and maintenance.
To be eligible to study the undergraduate programs at TDTU, the applicant needs to meet the following requirements:
1. You graduated from high school or equivalence.
- For international students graduated in other countries or in international schools in Vietnam applying for the course Pharmacy, you need to meet further two requirements:
- For international students graduated in Vietnam with the Vietnamese national high school program applying for the major Pharmacy, you need to meet further two requirements:
- International students who choose the majors including Architecture, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design, and Industrial Design are required to participate in the aptitude assessment test before entering the Bachelor’s programs.
You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at https://it.tdtu.edu.vn/en/software-engineering-code-f7480103-high-quality-program
The Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) is the starting point of the curriculum design process and is built according to a rigorous, scientific process in which it reflects the vision and mission of the university and faculties and is suitable to the course objectives and meets the needs of stakeholders.
The ELOs will be concretized according to the principle of "directional compatibility" in step-by-step subjects to help learners gain professional qualifications & skills in knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional responsibilities after completing the training program. The content of the program also enhances group work activities, training habits of active self-studies and creative thinking for students to be proactive and ready for development opportunities.
You can join one of the following careers: