Accountancy, M.Acc.

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Accountancy, M.Acc.

University of South Florida
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • Unkown
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 1 year


The objective of the Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) program is to provide candidates with greater breadth and depth of knowledge in accountancy than is possible in the baccalaureate program. The major is designed to meet the increasing needs of business, government, and public accounting. Students entering the Accountancy major must already have the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in accounting from an accredited school. The major may also be structured to satisfy the requirements to sit for the CPA Examination in Florida.

Admission Requirements

Must meet University Admission and English Proficiency requirements as well as requirements for admission to the major, listed below.

  • 3.00 GPA in all upper-level accounting courses (minimum of 21 hours at a U.S. accredited program generally within the past 5 years; OR completion of the following “foundation” courses with a minimum grade of B in each course:
    1. Intermediate Financial Accounting I (ACG 3103),
    2. Intermediate Financial Accounting II (ACG 3113),
    3. Cost Accounting and Control I (ACG 3341),
    4. Accounting Information Systems (ACG 3401),
    5. Auditing I (ACG 4632), and
    6. Concepts of Federal Income Taxation (TAX 4001).

      Students with undergraduate degrees with majors other than accounting are encouraged to contact Undergraduate advising at the Muma College of Business.
  • A minimum GMAT score of 500 or higher or equivalent GRE score of 305 is required for admission into the program. Students may apply for a GMAT waiver if the following conditions have been met:
    •    The student has obtained an undergraduate degree from USF and earned a GPA of at least 3.30 in the 6 core Accounting major courses; or
    •    The student earned a bachelor’s degree in Accounting within the last five years and has passed four sections of the CPA test; or
    •    The student previously earned a master’s degree from an accredited institution.

    Admission to the Master of Accountancy degree Program is competitive. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

For the student who has the equivalent of an undergraduate major in accounting at USF (including 21-24 hours of upper-level accounting coursework taken within the last 5 years), the program consists of 30 hours. Most (24 hours) of the program is devoted to the study of accounting. The remaining six (6) graduate level hours consist of study in other business areas including economics, entrepreneurship, finance, business analytics and information systems, management and marketing. These six (6) graduate level hours are elected by the student in consultation with the M.Acc. Advisor. At least 70% of the coursework must be at the 6000 level, with 100% being graduate level.

The M.Acc. curriculum has a set of two required common core accounting courses. Students may elect a concentration (12 hours) in Assurance, Corporate, or Tax. The sequencing of courses will be determined in consultation with the M.Acc. Advisor.

Career Opportunities

You can join one of the following careers:

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