Psychology, B.S.

Full Time

Psychology, B.S.

Saint Louis University
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 124
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


SLU faculty encourage intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and ethical responsibility. A commitment to value-based, holistic education and an enthusiasm for psychology is realized in the products of research, in graduates and in service to others locally, nationally and globally. The faculty seek to contribute to the improvement of the human condition and to promote human welfare through understanding past knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and disseminating that knowledge through teaching, publications, and service. The faculty educate students to be professionals and challenge them to be ethically responsible, to be committed to serving others and to respect human diversity in all its forms.

Additional program highlights include:

  • Psychology majors are mentored by individual faculty members who support students’ discernment of and successful progress toward professional goals that are integrated with expectations of compassionate community engagement.
  • Psychology majors build evidence-based habits of mind and research skills through rigorous coursework, individual research projects, and as research assistants working with faculty and graduate students investigating a wide variety of psychological phenomena, such as eating behaviors, gambling, stress, intergroup relations, close relationships, ADHD, social categorization, stigma and stereotyping, parent-child discourse, PTSD, sleep, aging, organizational development, assessment and consulting.
  • Psychology majors can take science out of the ivory tower to foster social justice in diverse communities and neighborhoods as members of a social advocacy learning community, at nearby service-learning practicum sites, or through values-based research activities.

Admission Requirements

All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students along with the following:

  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • Proof of financial support must include:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the time at Saint Louis University
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of study at the University
  • Academic records, in English translation, of students who have undertaken postsecondary studies outside the United States must include the courses taken and/or lectures attended, practical laboratory work, the maximum and minimum grades attainable, the grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations, and any honors or degrees received. WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

Courses Units

You need to complete 124 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

Career Opportunities

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