The purpose of this programme is to train new-generation specialists who will be able to perform not only traditional biological, biochemical and ecological analysis but also master the advanced techniques of physico-chemical and molecular genetic analysis.
The fundamental biological education will facilitate the formation of biosphere-nooshpere perspective among students and will also help them to develop the set of key competences needed for research, education and information management in the following areas: Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and Medical Biology, Bioecology, Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics. Furthermore, students will explore the wildlife and common laws of nature, understand which biological systems can be used in economic and medical areas and how to restore and protect the biodiversity.
This program offers a unique opportunity for study and provides a deep insight into present day research. During first two years students have courses from all learning trajectories. This helps to understand which area is the most interesting and suits your personality. After your second year you will have to choose one of the following professional learning trajectories, and during your final year you will have to do the graduation research project.
The minimum requirements for admission in Bachelor's degree program Biology at Siberian Federal University for all applicants (Domestic or International) are:
Note: Please check the university website in the link below.
You need to complete 240 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
We use the integration of science and education as the basis of our teaching. This contributes not only for getting the highest level of knowledge but also for the formation of professional competencies. Therefore it will allow our graduates to stand out and successfully compete at the Russian and International labor markets.
Our graduates are cutting-edge experts in the fields of physico-chemical and molecular biology, ecology and sustainable development of ecosystems who are in the great demand in areas including biotechnology, environmental control, food, pharmaceuticals etc.
The possibility to have an individual learning trajectory allows students to participate in academic mobility programmes or obtain various scientific trainings in leading Russian and foreign universities.
You can join one of the following careers: