In the modern world, the main problem for all states is the rational use of natural resources. This is due to the lack of almost all types of resources: mineral, energy, biological, soil, water, territorial. Almost all conflicts in the modern world, including the military, are due to the desire to control certain resources. In addition to the lack of resources, a huge problem is a rational use of available resources, their protection, economy, efficient and multiple uses based on compliance with the laws of nature on the circulation of substances in the biosphere, which has no waste.
Irrational use of natural resources is primarily associated with low efficiency of their use, which leads to the depletion of their reserves, as well as to the accumulation of large amounts of toxic waste in the process of their production, processing and use, which poses a threat to the existence of the environment and humanity itself. In this regard, the development of environmental knowledge, environmental management and environmental protection is of great importance worldwide. Ecology is one of those sciences that bring together in one system the data obtained by different sciences and is designed to reflect the real relationship between the diverse phenomena of the real world. In modern ecology, the range of issues to be discussed requires the involvement of knowledge of biology, chemistry, geography, geology, soil science, physics, mathematics, geoinformation technologies and other sciences. At the same time, the profession requires knowledge of the interaction between the various components of environmental systems and integration with the social environment of the economy and environmental management practices. This is important for the successful implementation of the concept of environmental management for sustainable development of society.
The objects of professional activity of graduates of Master’s studies are: natural, anthropogenic, climatic, environmental, economic, industrial, social, territorial public systems and structures at the global, national, regional and local levels, as well as state planning, control, monitoring, examination of environmental components of all forms of economic activities; education and the health of the population, demographic processes, sustainable development programs at all levels.
The minimum requirements for admission in Master’s Degree Environmental Management at RUDN university for all applicants (Domestic or International) are:
Note: Please check the university website in the link below.
You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
The purpose of the Master's program "Environmental management" - the development of students’ personal qualities and the formation of general cultural (general scientific, social, personal, instrumental) competencies, training of highly qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the field of ecology and environmental management. All this should allow the graduate, who has received advanced professional education and possesses universal and specialized competencies, to work successfully in the chosen field of activity, and it will contribute to social mobility and stability in the labour market. In general, the program is focused on environmental management, conservation of natural resource potential and proper planning of its use.
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