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BS Psychology

University of Management and Technology
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    1st year fees
  • Unkown
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


BS Psychology degree is designed to provide a biological rationale and the social perceptions for understanding the behavior of the individual during their lifetime. A degree in BS Psychology is one of the most popular choices at colleges and universities throughout the world. At UMT, the 4-year BS Psychology program focuses on the behavior of people in a social sciences perspective.

The Psychology major introduces students to the fundamental principles of psychology, various fields within psychology and methods used in psychological research. As a field psychology, study areas are as diverse as clinical behavior problems, child development, workplace violence, self-esteem, racial prejudice, memory, decision making, mental illness, and cognition and effect of different drugs on the brain. Psychologists also learn to critically evaluate common perception about how people function. Education in psychology, by its subject matter and method of study, develops and promotes the critical thinking and communication skills, understanding of individual human behavior and the knowledge of organizational behavior. The purpose of offering BS Psychology degree at UMT is to provide service to the discipline and profession, and promote the science of psychology through providing training in psychological science. This is strengthened by a collection of 300 psychology books and electronic database of (Springer Link and Science Direct) research journals. Psychology Society UMT (PsychSoc) is also a forum for discussion, debate and sharing of latest trends.

Admission Requirements

- Minimum 45% marks in Intermediate / A-Level or equivalent and no 3rd division in Matriculation

- 50% Marks in NTS\UMTEntry Test.

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at https://admissions.umt.edu.pk/prog/BSPsyco.aspx

More Information

The students of BS Psychology will have the exposure to each of the major Psychology domains and will be provided with a solid base of knowledge in each of these domains. Students will be encouraged to assimilate and apply knowledge in each of these areas and they will have the flexibility of course selection, designed to help students to meet their career goals.

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