Established as department of Computer Science in 1991, its history dates back to the year 1968 when University of Engineering and Technology Lahore established a Computer Center. This center was equipped with a contemporary IBM 1130 third generation computer that batch processed submitted jobs. The computer was equipped with a disk and a monitor. The center was responsible for planning and teaching courses in Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, which formed an integral part of the curricula for all disciplines of B.Sc. Engineering degree in the university. The center also offered short term computer courses for other private and public sector organizations. In 1978, it started offering a Masters degree program in Computer Engineering, thus becoming the first center in the country to offer Computer Engdegree. A 4 years degree program leading towards a B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Science was introduced by the department in 1999 and another 4 years B.Sc. program in Computer Science and Engineering in 2001. For students enrolling from September 2003 onwards, B.Sc programs have been re-named and modified into four years B.Sc. Computer Science and four years B.Sc. Computer Engineering programs. Ph.D. program in Computer Science was launched in 2002 and seven students have completed their Ph.D. degree in Computer Science to this date.
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