B.Sc Honors in Biotechnology

Full Time

B.Sc Honors in Biotechnology

Kinnaird College for Women
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 130
  • Campus
  • Bachelor


Biotechnology is concerned with the utilization of biological agents (microorganisms, cells of higher organisms, living or dead) or their components for generating useful products or services. Biotechnology is multidisciplinary in nature and draws heavily from a number of science disciplines such as microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, cell and tissue culture, physiology, plant and animal sciences, chemical and biochemical engineering. The union of biotechnology with recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering) has developed a new field called molecular biotechnology focused on the modification or development of new products. The degree program in biotechnology at Kinnaird is designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of theoretical and practical concepts. Students after completing their degree can pursue higher studies in biotechnology and other relevant disciplines or take up an exciting and rewarding career in research organizations, academic institutions, clinical labs, hospitals and in a number of leading industries, notably pharmaceutical, food and agricultural industries.

Admission Requirements

F.Sc Part-I (Pre Medical) with minimum 60% marks OR A-level in three main subjects (no subsidiary) with minimum Grade B (60%) with Equivalence Certificate OR Grade 12 with minimum Grade B (60%) with Equivalence Certificate.

Courses Units

You need to complete 130 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at http://www.kinnaird.edu.pk/b-sc-honors-in-biotechnology/

More Information

Active Citizenship program offered by Kinnaird College in collaboration with British Council and HEC is a social leadership training program that promotes intercultural dialogue and community-led social development. It is a mandatory requirement for the completion of undergraduate degree and based on two semesters. All students will study the theoretical portion through different activities starting in their 3rd semester. They will plan their social action projects in 4th semester and implement it in the field.

Career Opportunities

You can join one of the following careers:

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