The MS program in Electrical emphasizes the practical applications of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The program offer graduates the opportunity to advance their skills in specialized areas. The successfully graduated may develop careers in Research and Development, Industry, Academia, Defense Organizations etc. At the MS level, the department of Electrical Engineering at C.U.S.T. offers specializations in the fields of
You need to complete 30 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
A student can claim a specialization if he/she has completed 15 Cr. Hrs. including research work, if opted, from one of these specialization areas i.e. Control Systems, Signal Processing, Telecommunications, Electronics and Microwaves and Power Systems. Otherwise, on the completion of 30 Cr. Hrs., he/she will be awarded the MS Degree without any specialization.
You can join one of the following careers: