Bachelor of Business (Management)

Full Time

Bachelor of Business (Management)

Unitec Institute of Technology
  • $ see details
    1st year fees
  • 360
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 3 years


Management is about relationships – the art and science of people and process. Study the Bachelor of Business (Management) and you'll gain an understanding of how business operates and how to effectively manage resources and operations. This programme is designed with teamwork and project based coursework to best prepare you for success in the workplace. The second year narrows your focus on your choice of either Human Resources or Operations, and you will then apply what you’ve developed in your Internship Based Learning (IBL) work placement, so you get practical experience before you even graduate

Admission Requirements

For this programme, you will need the following:

1. 42 credits at NCEA Level 3 or higher including:

  • 14 credits in two different approved subjects; and
  • 14 credits from up to two subjects (approved or non-approved)

​2. 8 credits at NCEA Level 2 or higher in English or Te Reo Maori (4 in reading, 4 in writing)

3. 14 credits in NCEA Level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau

4. If English is a second language you are required to have one or more of the following:

  • Have achieved NCEA Level 3 and New Zealand University entrance
  • Be able to provide evidence you satisfy our criteria for existing English proficiency
  • Have achieved at least one English proficiency outcome in the last two years

Courses Units

You need to complete 360 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

The aim of this course is to build on student’s knowledge of successful Business practices gained from Introduction to Professional Practice Part A. A theme running throughout the course is a focus on ethical business practices which acts as a foundation for later courses within the Bachelor degree programme. Throughout the course students will be expected to engage in individual and collaborative learning and assessment events. Students will continue to develop and refine their professional profile through the development of a portfolio of evidence. The course will enable students to continue to develop their digital, information and academic literacies for tertiary study.

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