During the Master's degree programme in Biomedical Sciences you will be trained to find answers to these questions. The programme is strongly oriented towards the scientific background of health, disease and preclinical research. You will encounter an interdisciplinary environment of basic scientific research at the faculty of science and engineering and the more medical oriented environment of the university medical centre.
If you have a Bachelor's degree in a relevant biomedical area you can apply for our two-year programme and excel your career as biomedical researcher or biomedical specialist. We offer tracks related to biology of cancer and immune system, biology of food and nutrition, biology of ageing, and neuroscience. In addition, we offer the unique option to create a custom made biomedical programme that meets your ambitions. Examples are programmes dedicated to virology, (epi)genetics, regenerative medicine, big data management, computational biology and many other areas on which the University of Groningen has a world-wide leading position.
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences or related field, focusing on knowledge and skills at the interface of molecular and cellular biology, organic chemistry and biochemistry, immunology and physiology, possibly with elements of behavioural neurosciences. Laboratory experience and proof of academic scientific writing skills (such as thesis or research report) are required. The admissions board determines whether the specific contents of this/these course(s) meet the admission requirements of the master programme for which you applied.
You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at https://www.rug.nl/masters/biomedical-sciences/#!programme
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