Bachelors of Political Science

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Bachelors of Political Science

Meiji Gakuin University
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  • Unkown
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  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


Politics is the process by which the members of a society make and implement collective decisions in order to solve the problems that they face. Addressing these political problems demands a scientific approach, historical understanding, and conceptual skills rooted in philosophy or ideology. The Department of Political Science nurtures educated political citizens with the all-around decision-making and critical thinking skills, courage, and empathy to work toward solving such problems.

Admission Requirements

  1. Type of Personnel Sought
    1. Individuals who understand the educational philosophy of “Do for Others”, and possess the intellectual ability to put it into practice. That is, individuals who demonstrate the fundamental knowledge and skills, reasoning, judgment and expression abilities that are expected outcomes at the senior high school level.
    2. Individuals who endorse the Department of Political Science educational philosophy of cultivating “educated political citizens”, and proactively seek social involvement, both during enrollment and following graduation, as members of a dignified civil society. That is, individuals with the ambition to engage and maintain fresh interest in issues concerning world events, regardless of significance or global location.
    3. Individuals who possess the courage to put forth sound arguments as “educated political citizens” and the ability to imagine the conditions of others, and share the hope of leading Japan’s society towards a better future.
  2. Basic Policy for Selection of Students
    Student selection is based on written examinations and interviews, which assess whether applicants possess the fundamental abilities that are expected outcomes at the senior high school level and necessary for studying political science.
    1. Given that reading comprehension, reasoning, and verbal and written expression are essential abilities for studying political science, individuals must possess knowledge and understanding of modern texts, as well as Japanese and Chinese classics in certain cases.
    2. Individuals must possess knowledge in world history, Japanese history, politics and economics, ethics, geography and other subjects essential for analyzing, considering and examining solutions to various issues in domestic and international politics.
    3. As much of the fundamental political science literature is written in foreign languages, English ability is essential for examining the course that Japan and the world should take amid the progress of globalization. As such, prospective students must possess fundamental linguistic skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing), especially in English.
    4. Evaluation focuses on whether individuals possess the senior high school-level knowledge, understanding and fundamental abilities listed above, as well as the drive to engage in a curriculum for cultivating “educated political citizens” after enrolment.
  3. Types of Student Selection and Evaluation Methods
    The various selection examinations listed below are used to evaluate whether applicants display the attributes sought by the department (diverse individuals who will be active in society as educated political citizens) and possess the knowledge, understanding and fundamental abilities under 2 - Basic Policy for Selection of Students above.
    1. In the All-Faculty, A Schedule or Meiji Gakuin Admissions Center entrance examinations, selection is based on general written tests focusing on understanding of subjects studied at the senior high school level.
    2. Selection through the B Schedule entrance examinations focuses on foreign languages and lecture comprehension.
    3. Through special entrance examinations, such as the “Entrance Examination by Recommendation (Designated School)” or “Entrance Examination by Special Recommendation (Affiliated School)”, the department selects prospective students who understand the university’s educational philosophy (“Do for Others”) and display the attributes sought by the Department of Political Science, via transcripts and interviews based on the recommendation of senior high school principals designated (requested) by the university. Through the AO Entrance Examination by Self-Nomination, the department seeks applicants capable of contributing to society and their communities - individuals who possess not merely good school results, but also a rich volunteer activity record.

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

The Department equips students with the knowledge required to solve a wide range of problems, from everyday issues at the community level to matters of national politics and policy, and international relations. It also fosters their ability to take action after analyzing those problems and reflecting on them with a flexible mindset in response to changing circumstances.

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