Master's programme in Physics

Full Time

Master's programme in Physics

University of Milan
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


The aim given to the Master's course in Physics is to enable the graduate student to either continue with further studies or to take part in research or professional activity with the necessary competence, having learnt the use of scientific methods and experimental basis, theoretical and mathematical, on which physics is based.
The Master's degree course will enable the student to deepen acquired knowledge in classic physics, relativity and quantum physics as regards to phenomenological aspects, theoretical aspects and their mathematical formulas.
Having acquired adequate mathematical and computer instruments, the student will be able to carry out tests in formulations in the use of mathematical models and in the use of calculus techniques for problem solving in physics.
The Master's Degree course is open to further development and in-depth study in post-graduate courses. It foresees different majors which permit the graduate student to enter basic research and/or applied research and in work-related areas which require experimental-applicative competences, the knowledge of innovative methods, the use of complex equipment.

Admission Requirements

Graduates in Physical Science and Technology (class L-30 and corresponding class pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99) can access the Master's degree programme in Physics.
Those who have a degree in another class can also access the programme provided they have earned
- 24 CFU in the following academic fields: FIS/01-08, of which at least 12 in FIS/02 and at least 6 in total in FIS/03, FIS/04, FIS/05;
- 20 CFU in MAT/01-09.
 Those who have obtained an equivalent qualification abroad can also access the programme, provided that they prove to meet the skills requirements.

Courses Units

You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

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Admission assessment

Applicants must prove in-depth knowledge of classical physics and mathematical analysis, and basic knowledge of geometry, computer science, rational mechanics, quantum mechanics, the structure of matter, nuclear and subnuclear physics, as well as laboratory work skills (data acquisition and processing).  
All candidates will be assessed through an interview on subjects covered by the fundamental courses of the aforementioned degree programme in Physics.  
The interviewing board will include faculty members appointed by the Academic Board. The interview may also take place before graduation. However, candidates must obtain their degree by 31 December 2021.  

Career Opportunities

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