Master programme Finance and Economics

Full Time

Master programme Finance and Economics

University of Milan
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


Graduates of this master course will receive advanced training in quantitative methodologies and tools suitable to interpret and analyze economic and financial phenomena and will be able to operate directly on financial markets or in international economic institutions. The study program is designed to provide students with a solid background through the development of topics of economic theory, analysis of financial markets and the theory of decision making under risk and uncertainty. It includes study of financial markets from both the point of view of international law, history and economics.

The first year courses, common to both curricula, also provide capabilities in statistics, mathematics and computational techniques for the analysis of financial data and economic time series.
The second year of the master program is organized in two curricula. The first, Quantitative Economics, is dedicated to the training of professional economists capable of operating at national/international, public/private institutions (including the academia) or at the level of central government in both the financial and economic spheres.
The second curriculum, named Quantitative Finance, is aimed at preparing financial specialists capable of operating in the areas of pricing of derivatives, portfolio management, risk management and control in the financial sector intended in a broad sense.

Admission Requirements

Applicants who obtain a score equal or less than 70 points are not admitted.
Applicants who obtain a score above 70 points but less than 80 points will be invited to an oral interview, held in English language and exclusively done via electronic devices (e.g.: via skype). The interview is aimed at examining in more depth the applicants background knowledge and motivation.
Applicants who obtain a score greater or equal to 80 points and satisfy the English knowledge requirements can be subject to further interview before admission.
Applicants not submitting any English knowledge certification (preferably the TOEFL-test) will be excluded even if they exceed the 80 points-threshold.

Courses Units

You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

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As for the English language knowledge, a level C1 or higher (according to CEFR) properly certified (preferably through the TOEFL-test) is required. In the absence of any certification the Admission Committee reserves the right to not admit the candidate to the programme.

Each applicant will have to submit, together with the application, a detailed curriculum vitae. Failing to provide this document implies that the applicant will be excluded from the selection.

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