Curricular requirements
It is a condition for admission of the candidate to have acquired in previous studies at least:
• 48 credits in the INF/01 academic field;
• 12 credits in the MAT/01-09 academic fields.
The academic board may admit candidates who do not fully satisfy the above requirements, after a careful evaluation of their careers.
The verification of the requirements will consist in an evaluation of the candidate’s previous university career, based on the following documents: degree certificate with marks, transcript of records, course syllabi, if not available on the website of the University of Milan.
The candidate's educational background will be assessed based on the exam grades achieved in the academic fields (SSD) listed under the admission requirements. If necessary, the candidate will be required to pass an individual interview.
Any curricular additions in terms of academic credits must be completed before the assessment referred to in the previous point, by attending and passing the exams for courses offered within the degree programmes in Computer Science, Computer Science for New Media Communications, Music Information Science, Computer Systems and Networks Security.
You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
Researcher and specialist in basic computer science research. Functions: junior researcher associated with academic research groups, or laboratories of public and private bodies. Skills: in-depth awareness of the fundamentals of one's discipline and of the problems that characterize it with respect to the other sciences. Ability to elaborate and communicate original ideas in the field of basic computer science, in particular relating to the mathematical, logical and statistical foundations of computation, design and analysis of algorithms in abstract and, depending on the paths followed during the degree course, in different disciplinary areas. Opportunities: in public and private research institutions, as well as in high-tech companies that develop new methodologies and innovative systems. Continuation of the course of studies with third level training.
You can join one of the following careers: