Master's degree programme in Archaeology

Full Time

Master's degree programme in Archaeology

University of Milan
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


The Master's degree programme in Archaeology aims to provide a solid base of knowledge in the field
of the archaeology of the European continent and of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, as well as the skills required for working in the field of cultural heritage protection and enhancement and for participating in archaeological digs. It is an open-admission programme for students holding the required educational background, i.e. a Bachelor's degree in Archaeology. Curricular requirements will be assessed through an admission interview, with a view to ascertaining that the candidate has earned all the credits required for admission to the Master's degree programme in Archaeology. The core courses of the programme include the main archaeological disciplines (European prehistory and protohistory, etruscology, archaeology of pre-Roman Italy, Greek archaeology, Roman archaeology, archaeology of Magna Graecia, archaeology of the Roman provinces, etc.), a course of Greek or Latin literature, a course of ancient history or Egyptology or literature and two courses of anthropology or analytical methods for cultural heritage studies. Training activities are organized on a six-monthly basis and include a workshop in an archaeological excavation site or in the classroom in technical-archaeological disciplines (archaeological design, surveying tools, cataloguing of artifacts). A key part of training is research work with a view to writing the degree thesis.

Admission Requirements

Admission assessment

Candidates who meet the curricular requirements set out in point 1 and who have achieved a degree score equal to 96/110 or higher will be admitted automatically (without interview). Admitted candidates will be notified electronically. Candidates meeting the aforementioned curricular requirements who have achieved a score lower than 96/110 will be required to sit an interview on one of the dates listed in the notices section of the degree programme 

During the interview, the admission board will assess the adequacy of their archaeological knowledge.

The assessment of the curricular requirements and the adequacy of the educational background of candidates meeting the requirements set out in point 2 will be carried out through interviews to be held on the dates listed in the notices section of the degree programme website:

During the interview, the admission board will assess the adequacy of their knowledge

of the foundations of archaeology.

Courses Units

You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

The programme provides indispensable cognitive tools, both in terms of historical-archaeological knowledge and of technical and methodological skills, for the purposes of lifelong learning and furthering studies and research independently (postgraduate school of archaeology or PhD). The Master's degree in Archaeology is a key requirement to become a tier-II archaeologist pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 244 of 20 May 2019, which regulates access to cultural heritage professions.
Graduates must be able to operate both on an excavation site (digging, data processing, phasing, reconstruction of the history of the investigated area) and in archaeological heritage research, protection and enhancement institutions, with mostly operational roles.

Career Opportunities

You can join one of the following careers:

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