The Bachelor's Degree program in Physics aims to enable the student to continue with higher studies or to start a professional activity. The program gives students the methodological, experimental, theoretical, mathematical basis on which Physics is based. Knowledge will be acquired of classical, relativistic and quantum Physics, as focused on phenomenological and theoretical aspects as well as on their mathematical formalization.
Admission requirements
Applicants to the degree programme in Physics must hold an upper secondary-school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
Admission to the programme is open, subject to a mandatory, non-selective assessment test before enrolment. The test is aimed at ascertaining the candidate's educational background, in terms of baseline knowledge and understanding of scientific disciplines, especially mathematics and elementary logic.
You need to complete 180 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
The thesis work may be occasionally carried out in prestigious research centers like CERN or GSI, or important Universities worldwide, in the frame of international collaborations and research programs.
You can join one of the following careers: