ME Electricial and Electronic Engineering

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ME Electricial and Electronic Engineering

University College Cork
  • $ see details
    1st year fees
  • Unkown
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 1 year


Electrical and Electronic Engineering drives many of the technological advances that we see in our fast changing world, from smart grids and robotics to smart phones and the internet of things. It is an exciting and challenging career choice, characterised by constant personal development, innovation and invention. The aim of the MEngSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) programme is to build on the good engineering foundations of your undergraduate degree, to develop advanced skills and to introduce you to some of the key exciting areas of today and the future. As part of this degree you will carry out a substantial research project. There is also the opportunity to apply for a paid summer industrial placement.

Admission Requirements

  • Candidates must have a BE (Hons) Degree in Electrical and/or Electronic Engineering, or equivalent engineering qualification, with a minimum Second Class Honours Grade I (NFQ, Level 8)
  • Candidates from Grandes Écoles Colleges are also eligible to apply if they are studying a cognate discipline in an ENSEA or EFREI Graduate School and are eligible to enter the final year (M2) of their programme.
  • Candidates must be approved by the MEngSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) course team and/or the Director of the MEngSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) Programme

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

MEngSc graduates in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University College Cork are in leadership positions in some of the top employers in Ireland and internationally. This programme, by virtue of its advanced coursework delivered by experts in their fields, will deliver graduates of the highest quality.

Career Opportunities

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