Until recently it was possible to define the skillset of an Electronic Engineer as related to the design of hardware chips that could, for instance, be found in computers and consumer devices. In fact it is a continuously evolving profession and is the driving force behind the development of the world’s information technology. Electronic engineers create, design and develop everyday devices like the mobile phone, tablets, game engines and computers. In particular they increasingly design systems which are at the interface between decision making systems and actions in the real world. That means an engineer in this specialty has to also have a working knowledge of software engineering since all engineers now exploit software design to implement ideas and prototypes.
Trinity College Dublin treats equally all Leaving Certificate and A-Level students on the island of Ireland in light of their status under Article 2 of the Constitution of Ireland. Trinity College will allocate fixed points to A-Level grades for the purpose of determining a student’s ranking, allocating places in proportion with current demographic factors.
For all other applicants, in the first instance Trinity College Dublin allocates ranges of CAO points to A-Level grades (and other EU grading systems) in order that these applications can be compared with Leaving Certificate applications. Once this proportion is determined, places on the course in question are offered to applicants coming from each respective examination system group on the basis of ranking within that group.
Trinity College Dublin reserves the right to make the final decision in all matters pertaining to the admissions process.
You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at https://www.tcd.ie/courses/undergraduate/az/course.php?id=DUBSC-ELEE-2ENG
Students who wish to study Electronic Engineering apply to the Engineering degree (TR032).
The first two years are common to all Engineering students and at the end of the second-year students select Electronic Engineering as their specialist area.
Technology has evolved significantly in the last 20 years and it is no longer so easy to separate the skills of design engineers in Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering. Therefore Trinity offers three specialties in the area: Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering and Electronic & Computer Engineering. If you are interested in Electronic Engineering you should also consider Electronic & Computer Engineering and Computer Engineering.
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