Bachelors Degree Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Full Time

Bachelors Degree Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Trinity College Dublin
  • $ see details
    1st year fees
  • 543
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


In this stream, students will study the core concepts that are fundamental to all biological systems. These will be presented in core modules during the first and second year and will include: cell structure and composition, genetics and evolution, molecular biology, metabolism, anatomy and physiology of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, ecosystems and environmental biology. In addition, students will also acquire mathematical, statistical and computational skills and study the history, philosophy and ethics of science. Students have the opportunity to expand their scientific knowledge and to pursue their individual interests by choosing from a variety of open modules including topics such as animal behaviour, genomes and disease, microbes and immunity, chemistry for biologists and geochemistry.

Admission Requirements

Trinity College Dublin treats equally all Leaving Certificate and A-Level students on the island of Ireland in light of their status under Article 2 of the Constitution of Ireland. Trinity College will allocate fixed points to A-Level grades for the purpose of determining a student’s ranking, allocating places in proportion with current demographic factors.

For all other applicants, in the first instance Trinity College Dublin allocates ranges of CAO points to A-Level grades (and other EU grading systems) in order that these applications can be compared with Leaving Certificate applications. Once this proportion is determined, places on the course in question are offered to applicants coming from each respective examination system group on the basis of ranking within that group.

Trinity College Dublin reserves the right to make the final decision in all matters pertaining to the admissions process.


Courses Units

You need to complete 543 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

This science education programme is designed to foster and develop a student’s capability for independent thought and effective communication, an ability to continue their education independently and to act in a responsible manner. These attributes are a preparation for a career in science and medicine (e.g. in research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry); for a career in related areas where a scientific education is beneficial (e.g. patent law, forensic science) and for careers in areas such as education, management, business, industry, communication and policy making.

Career Opportunities

You can join one of the following careers:

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