Bachelors Degree Psychology

Full Time

Bachelors Degree Psychology

Trinity College Dublin
  • $ see details
    1st year fees
  • 555
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


The School of Psychology aims to offer a knowledge base and a set of skills that not only equip students for the many careers that exist in psychology, but also prepare students intellectually for other careers.

Psychology is a branch of science that demands clear, rigorous thinking, numeracy and the ability to define, study and solve problems in complex, changing settings. It is also an applied science that deals with how people act and behave in the real world and provides support for people in their social life and work, for example, through clinical and counselling interventions. If you are interested in the factors influencing human thinking, feeling and behaviour you will enjoy this course.

Admission Requirements

Trinity College Dublin treats equally all Leaving Certificate and A-Level students on the island of Ireland in light of their status under Article 2 of the Constitution of Ireland. Trinity College will allocate fixed points to A-Level grades for the purpose of determining a student’s ranking, allocating places in proportion with current demographic factors.

For all other applicants, in the first instance Trinity College Dublin allocates ranges of CAO points to A-Level grades (and other EU grading systems) in order that these applications can be compared with Leaving Certificate applications. Once this proportion is determined, places on the course in question are offered to applicants coming from each respective examination system group on the basis of ranking within that group.

Trinity College Dublin reserves the right to make the final decision in all matters pertaining to the admissions process.


Courses Units

The course is designed to develop a wide knowledge of the concepts, principles, theories and research methods of contemporary psychology; to develop skills of analysis and synthesis, research design, statistical description and evaluation, problem-solving and computer use; to provide practice in the design, execution, reporting and assessment of research and to develop competence in group work, communication and presentation skills and self-assessment.

During the lecture term, Single Honours students spend approximately 10-12 hours per week receiving tuition such as lectures, tutorials, seminars and laboratory practicals.

More Information

Second and third-year undergraduates are eligible to apply to study for one or more semesters (usually a whole academic year) in certain other European psychology schools, with travel, and, where appropriate, some subsistence funding provided by the EU Erasmus fund. There are no basic course charges to be paid abroad. Assessment is carried out in the host (i.e., international) institution and is accepted by Trinity as if students were examined here. The School of Psychology has bilateral agreements with several European universities, including the University of Helsinki, Freie Universität Berlin, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Université Paris V.

Career Opportunities

You can join one of the following careers:

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