BEng Chemical Engineering

Full Time

BEng Chemical Engineering

Queen's University Belfast
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • Unkown
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 3 years


Chemical Engineering is concerned with the design and operation of processes which convert materials and energy into the higher value products we use every day. It understands the processes which occur at the small scale and relates these to the larger scale production of, for example: pharmaceuticals, food stuffs, energy, polymers, lubricants, fuels, semiconductors, batteries, paints and coatings. The main tools of the Chemical Engineer are the applied sciences, engineering, technology, finance and management in that as a Chemical Engineer you become proficient in not only identifying how to convert materials into functional products but also in how to construct, operate and manage facilities so that they are economical, ethical and sustainable. It borders and overlaps with other engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical and civil engineering as well as business studies and entrepreneurship.
Four-year MEng degrees are available for high-calibre students with the ability and aspiration to study Chemical Engineering at the highest levels. BEng students with excellent performance may transfer to the MEng up to the end of Stage 2.

Admission Requirements

A level requirements
BBB including Mathematics and at least one from Chemistry (preferred), Biology, Computer Science, Digital Technology, Geography, ICT (not Applied ICT), Physics, Software Systems Development, Technology and Design or Double Award Life & Health Sciences.

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

All degrees are modular, with the equivalent of six modules in each year (note these may be split into sub modules). Within these modules, students will develop their skills in core chemical engineering subject matter and have the opportunity to enhance these skills through laboratory practicals, computer workshops and engineering design. Our programme is supplemented by courses in chemistry and professional development with more advanced modules in areas such as energy and materials, delivered in the later years. To obtain professional accreditation, students must follow a defined pathway

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