Finance is a stimulating and challenging discipline that offers a wide range of exciting and dynamic careers across the Financial industry. Our MSc Finance has been designed to produce graduates that meet the demands of employers. The application of finance theory to real world problems is a consistent theme running through our modules. Extensive use of real-world data from the Bloomberg terminals is a feature of all taught modules as we seek to integrate theory with real world practice. The programme offers an extensive training in the core areas of finance, such as Asset Pricing and Portfolio Management, Corporate Finance and Valuation, Derivatives securities, and Financial Risk Analysis; while also offering a Finance Live module, which will bring financial market participants and real financial market challenges to the classroom, giving students experience of critically evaluating real-world situations and solving problems. A novel Summer School in Data Management and Financial Analytics is designed to provide students with practical experience in software used across the industry. In combination, these modules deliver skills that will positively differentiate our graduates in the job market.
Successful applicants will normally have:
Other applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be interviewed if they have:
You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
In common with the world of finance, our MSc Finance is a fast-moving and challenging programme. To begin, we offer a preparatory Autumn School to integrate students from different backgrounds and ensure that all students have the required levels of Finance, Maths & statistics to succeed in the programme. Students will also be introduced to computer skills essential to modern finance. We then have two semesters of taught modules, during which each module is taught over four days. These four days will be timetabled three to four weeks apart so that learning can occur between the individual teaching days and permits time for reflection on content and the completion of projects and tasks. Our new Summer School and capstone project complete the programme.
You can join one of the following careers: