Bachelor of Business (Honours) Supply Chain Management

Full Time

Bachelor of Business (Honours) Supply Chain Management

Institute of Technology Carlow
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • Unkown
  • Campus
  • Bachelor
  • 4 years


Supply Chain is the management of any combination of processes, functions, activities, relationships, and pathways along which products, services, information, and financial transactions move in and between enterprises. It also involves any, and all, movement of these from original producer to the ultimate end-user or consumer. Doing all of the above in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way is now a key supply chain consideration.

Students who choose the Supply Chain Management (SCM) option at Year 3 will study a range of specialist subjects in more detail. In Year 4, one additional specialist subject can be chosen from the elective list, depending on the student’s area of interest.

Admission Requirements

Leaving Certificate:

2H5 & 4O6/H7

Subjects required:

  • English or Irish O6/H7
  • Mathematics O6/H7

Courses Units

You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at

More Information

Bachelor of Business graduates (CW917) can progress into Year 4 of the Bachelor of Business (Honours), (CW908). Bachelor of Business (Honours) graduates (CW908) who achieve a minimum of a second-class honours degree are eligible to apply to undertake a research or taught masters at Institute of Technology Carlow or other institutions.

Career Opportunities

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