Culture, language, political systems, geography, finance and socioe-conomic factors all shape and influence business and must be understood by organisations wishing to conduct business in a global marketplace. An international business degree equips students with the skills to manage people, diversity in culture, and ways of conducting business in a diverse marketplace.
Students who choose the International Business (INT) option at Year 3 study specialist subjects in more detail including: International Marketing; International Business Culture; Business Research Methods; and International Business. Additional specialist subjects can be chosen from the elective list, depending on the student’s area of interest.
Leaving Certificate:
2H5 & 4O6/H7
Subjects required:
You need to complete credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
Are you interested in living, working and traveling to other countries? Would you like to work in a multinational company with people from all over the world? Or maybe work with Irish companies in expanding internationally?
If you have you an outward perspective and an interest in international affairs, then this might be the course for you.
You can join one of the following careers: