In the applied geosciences master’s degree, in-depth scientific and analytical-methodological skills are acquired. With its three profiles, the master’s course offers a professional specialization in the areas of geo-energy & raw materials, hydrogeology & engineering geology, or mineralogy & geochemistry. Numerous modules from the three profiles are open to students with a wide range of interests. The master's thesis serves the scientific qualification. Graduates of the master’s degree are able to independently plan, design, and carry out geoscientific projects and apply the knowledge they have acquired in a job-related manner.
The entry requirements for the Master's degree in Applied Geosciences are roughly summarized:
It is a consecutive course that requires a bachelor's degree in the same or a related subject. The course consists of a compulsory part with 19 credit points and a compulsory elective part with 71 credit points as well as a master's thesis with 30 credit points. Compulsory modules are:
The compulsory elective is threefold (core competencies, geoscientific specializations, subject-related supplements).
You can choose between three profile directions:
Alternatively, modules can be freely selected from the profiles. In the Energy, Resources & Storage profile, the course can be studied entirely in English.
You can join one of the following careers: