M.Sc. Business Intelligence

Full Time / Part-time

M.Sc. Business Intelligence

IU International University of Applied Sciences
  • $ 60 ECTS: €183/month (12 months) €139/month (18 months) €117/month (24 Months) 120 ECTS: €150/month (24 months) €111/month (36 months) €98/month (48 months)
    1st year fees
  • 120 ECTS or 60 ECTS
  • Online
  • Masters
  • 12 months or 24 months


Database administration, business intelligence and reporting services are here to stay due to their future-focused nature. The online Master's degree in Business Intelligence offers a well-rounded understanding of business intelligence with options for in-depth knowledge and enables you to take on responsibility in processing, storing and visualising companies’ data. It gives you all the tools you need to carve out a successful career in the sector, and with a scholarship of up to 80%, it is accessible to everyone.

Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements:
  • Completed undergraduate study from a public or officially recognized university/higher education institution (240 ECTS).
  • Final grade of at least "Satisfactory" or grade C (as commonly used in the and Canada).

If you are lacking ECTS credits from your previous studies, you can demonstrate professional work experience for your online degree instead:

  • To start a 60-ECTS MBA, you can “bridge” up to 60 ECTS by demonstrating 2 additional years of professional experience. This means you can access the One-Year programme already with 180 ECTS (if you prove one additional year of work experience) or 210 ECTS (if you can prove two additional years) from your previous studies.

Work Experience:

  • At least one year of work experience before the start of the IU Master program (achieved after previous studies).

English Level:

  • Proof of English skills
  • If English is your native language or you graduated from an English-speaking school/university, you do not have to prove your English skills
  • Speexx Certificate (complimentary when signing up with IU - free of charge)

Courses Units

120 ECTS:

Semester 1 – Modules

  • Business Intelligence I   
  • Concepts in Data Management   
  • Corporate Governance of IT, Compliance, and Law   
  • Relational and NoSQL Databases   
  • Data Query Languages   
  • Project: Business Intelligence

Semester 2 - Modules

  • Seminar: Ethic & Societal Considerations in Data Management   
  • Strategic Management   
  • Data Warehousing Architecture Types   
  • Extract, Transform and Load Technologies   
  • Advanced Research Methods   
  • Seminar: Data Warehouse Approaches and Methodologies

Semester 3 - Modules

  • Data Modeling and Reporting   
  • Project: Data Modeling and Reporting   
  • Electives A   
  • Electives B

Semester 4 - Modules

  • Master Thesis and Colloquium

60 ECTS:

Semester 1 - Modules

  • Business Intelligence I   
  • Relational and NoSQL Databases   
  • Data Query Languages   
  • Project: Business Intelligence   
  • Data Warehousing Architecture Types   
  • Seminar: Data Warehouse Approaches and Methodologies

Semester 2 - Modules

  • Advanced Research Methods   
  • Electives   
  • Master Thesis and Colloquium

More Information

Information about the start of studies

Online: Official start date 31.08.2022 (English, 60 ECTS)

Online: Official start date 01.03.2022 (English, 120 ECTS)

Information on state accreditation

Subject to state accreditation. We expect the Ministry's approval no later than the start of the programme. So far, all of our programmes have been successfully accredited and approved on time.

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