Full Time


Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


The master’s course deals in particular with research topics from biomedicine, pharmacology, human genetics, neurobiology, immunology, and physiology. Further components of the curriculum are applied content such as toxicology, development and approval of drugs and medical devices, and clinical research. The course is internationally oriented and is taught entirely in English.

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in life sciences, grade at least "good" (2.5)
  • Specialized knowledge in molecular biology/genetics, immunology, developmental biology, human biology, biochemistry, and physiology.
  • Good command of English (TOEFL has a minimum score of 79 and IELTS a minimum score of 6.0). The original TOEFL score report must be sent by ETS, our institution code is 7977.

Every application is checked by the admissions committee.

Courses Units

Curriculum (30 ECTS / semester)
1st semester:

  • Elective Courses A1 & A2 (each 1/1/1)
2 semesters:
  • Elective Practical Course (0/0/6)
3rd semester:
  • Special Fields in Biology 1 and 2 (each 3)
4th semester:Note: (2/2/2) means 2 SWS (contact hours per week in one semester) lecture, 2 SWS seminar or exercises, and 2 SWS practical course

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