Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)

Full Time

Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)

Georg August Universitat
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


This Joint degree program of Agricultural Faculties of University Göttingen and University Kassel is for students who want to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture worldwide. It offers a well-founded knowledge of bio-physical and socio-economic factors determining agricultural livelihood systems, an understanding of global ecosystems and their relationship with agriculture, and social, professional, and methodological expertise. Three profiles: International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics, International Organic Agriculture and Tropical Agriculture, and Agroecosystems Sciences.

Admission Requirements

 Bachelor's degree within Agricultural sciences or a related field of study. Students are selected after ranking according to the overall score of the BSc.

Courses Units

The Master's program in Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA) is a consecutive joint Master study program of the agricultural faculties of the Georg-August-University of Goettingen and the University of Kassel - Witzenhausen comprising 120 ECTS. All SIA modules are taught in English.

The Master"s program consists of fifteen modules with 6 ECTS each; a Master's thesis in the 4th semester with 22,5 ECTS; colloquium with 7,5 ECTS.

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