Study contents provide hands-on approaches to tackle burning current issues such as global change, climate warming, land-use change, species loss, and biodiversity treats. The studies cover ecosystems analysis and modeling with in-depth training in advanced programming, data analysis as well as theoretical ecology, and practical conservation management. Research-based training on terrestrial ecosystems functions from molecules to landscape-level and laboratory methods in ecosystems sciences and sustainable management of tropical and international forests where students together prepare an interdisciplinary management plan on-site. Throughout their studies, students will take part in cutting-edge research activities on these topics in an interdisciplinary and international environment.
Previous education
Language requirements
You will be completing a total of 120 C, 90 C by taking courses, and 30 C by writing the Master’s thesis.
You have three study tracks to choose from: Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling, Ecosystem Sciences, or Tropical and International Forestry.
Program structure
You can join one of the following careers: