Crop Protection (M.Sc.)

Full Time

Crop Protection (M.Sc.)

Georg August Universitat
  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


Get the basis for an international career in agricultural sciences: The international Master Programme Crop Protection addresses for mankind vital issues of crop health within sustainable crop production systems. The study program is research and practice-oriented, international and multidisciplinary. It opens career chances in agricultural sciences and institutions, and in the agro-industries. An internship in a private company or research institution offers the opportunity to link academic training with experience in interdisciplinary teamwork in a professional environment.

The interdisciplinary course of study "Crop Protection " is held in the English language. It unifies the subject areas that deal with the cause, development, and spread of damage to crops, the development, and application of efficient preventative and curative measures to fight damage as well as their effects on the environment and society.

Admission Requirements

 Bachelor degree (with a score of at least 3.0) and a selection interview

 Knowledge of the English language (verification required)

Courses Units

The program comprises 120 credits (ECTS)
a) Divisional studies (compulsory modules) 30 C
- Scientific Working Methods (9 C)
- 6-8 week internship (9 C)
- Pesticides I: Mode of Action and Application Techniques, Resistance to Pesticides (6 C)
- Pesticides II: Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Metabolism, Regulation and Registration (6 C)

b) Area of professionalization (elective compulsory modules) 60 C, 6 of which are for key competencies
c) Master's thesis 30 C (incl. 6 C for the colloquium)

Career Opportunities

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