M.Sc. Microbiology

Full Time

M.Sc. Microbiology

  • $ See Details
    1st year fees
  • 120
  • Campus
  • Masters
  • 2 years


The Master of Science in Microbiology is a scientific-biological study course, based on fundamental research with a special focus on Microbiology in its full diversity. This covers phylogeny, physiology, cell, and molecular biology of organisms from all three domains of life.

The program is interdisciplinary in nature and includes modules at external research institutes such as the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Hans Knöll Institute), the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, and cooperation with relevant biotechnology corporations.

Admission Requirements

For this master's program you need a subject-specific undergraduate degree (minimum 6 semesters/180 ECTS-Credits) or an equivalent degree, containing knowledge in Microbiology of at least 15 credits (ECTS) and practical research methods.

The bachelor's final grade (CGPA) must be GOOD or higher (German and US systems 2.5).

Courses Units

You need to complete 120 credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at https://www.uni-jena.de/en/msc_microbiology

More Information

Compared to other locations providing microbiology studies in Germany, Jena can boast two unique selling points:

  1. The great number of non-university research facilities intensely involved in university education as well as in many cooperative projects
  2. The great number of biotechnology companies conducting research in Jena and yet with close ties to their parent companies elsewhere, making cooperation in nationwide research projects a reality.

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