The Master of Accounting and Finance Program (MAccFin) is North America’s first graduate degree that integrates both accounting and finance business disciplines. Offered at the Scarborough campus (UTSC), MAccFin delivers a world-class, practical educational experience that prepares students for both the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designations and provides additional real-world co-op experience.
The 16-month, full-time program is accredited by the CPA Ontario and the curriculum is based on the Candidate Body of Knowledge from the Chartered Financial Analyst® Program administered by the CFA® Institute. By completing the MAccFin, students will qualify for advanced standing in the Chartered Professional Accountant Professional Education Program (CPA PEP). Obtaining either of these in-demand, globally recognized and respected designations requires a commitment to higher standards of integrity and credibility, which can be essential to desirable employment.
The co-op component builds on 40 years of experience and leadership in co-operative education at UTSC. During the program, students will have access to UTSC’s diverse portfolio of Canada’s most prestigious employers to complete a four-month co-op internship.
Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the additional admission requirements stated below.
An appropriate four-year undergraduate degree with a specialization in accounting or equivalent, with a minimum overall average of a mid-B in all core courses. Admission to the program is extremely competitive, and meeting the minimum overall average does not guarantee admission.
Applicants whose primary language is not English and who graduated from a university where the language of instruction is not English must achieve:
A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 580 overall on the paper-based test and 5 on the Test of Written English (TWE); 100/120 on the Internet-based test and 22/30 on the writing and speaking sections.
In special circumstances, a minimum score of 7.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) may be considered for admission.
You need to complete 8.5 (FCEs) credit hours to successfully obtain this degree. Please check detail of study units at
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